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Vacuum soldering systems
VADU 100. Vacuum soldering system compact and reliable
VADU 100-I. Vacuum soldering system with induction
VADU Modular. Vacuum soldering system based on modules
VADU 200XL-W. Vacuum soldering system. Wafers up to 12”
Customized carriers for vacuum soldering systems
Fully automated vacuum soldering in series production
Advantages of the VADUs
Sintering systems
Fully automated sintering systems in series production
SIN 200+ modular. The flexible sintering system for conductive bonds
SIN 20. The small scale, vacuum assisted sintering system
Drying systems / Isolators
VSD. Vacuum drying oven. Clean and contamination-free
VSD-e. Vacuum drying oven. Compact, flexible for laboratories
VT. Vacuum drying oven for standard processes
UT. Circulating air oven. From drying till sterilizing
VUT. Vacuum circulating air oven. Reliable drying
VSDI. Vacuum drying oven with isolator. Safe drying
VSDIN. Vacuum drying oven with isolator and pressure nutsch
Low-pressure plasma systems
V6-G. Low-pressure plasma system. Efficient tabletop unit
V10-G. Low-pressure plasma system. Removal of photoresists
V15-G. Low-pressure plasma system. Volume 15 l | to 600 W
V55-G. Low-pressure plasma system. Volume 55 l | to 1,200 W
V80-G. Low-pressure plasma system. Volume 80 l | to 1,200 W
V80-G-Side. Low-pressure plasma system. Lateral feed-in
Inline plasma systems. Automated surface treatment
Special systems. Customized low-pressure plasma solutions
Reel-to-reel systems. Plasma surface treatment of flexible tapes
Surface treatment with low-pressure plasma
Activation with low-pressure plasma. Bonding improvement
Cleaning with low-pressure plasma. Ultrapure surfaces
Etching with low-pressure plasma. High-precision and flexible
Coating with low-pressure plasma. Functional polymerization
Low-pressure plasma. Examples of surface treatments
The efficient method for best results
Soldering technology
Drying technology
Plasma technology
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Company history
Quality management
Environmental management
General terms of sale
General terms of purchase
Supplier Code of Conduct
Vacuum soldering systems
VADU 100. Vacuum soldering system compact and reliable
VADU 100-I. Vacuum soldering system with induction
VADU Modular. Vacuum soldering system based on modules
VADU 200XL-W. Vacuum soldering system. Wafers up to 12”
Customized carriers for vacuum soldering systems
Fully automated vacuum soldering in series production
Advantages of the VADUs
Sintering systems
Fully automated sintering systems in series production
SIN 200+ modular. The flexible sintering system for conductive bonds
SIN 20. The small scale, vacuum assisted sintering system
Drying systems / Isolators
VSD. Vacuum drying oven. Clean and contamination-free
VSD-e. Vacuum drying oven. Compact, flexible for laboratories
VT. Vacuum drying oven for standard processes
UT. Circulating air oven. From drying till sterilizing
VUT. Vacuum circulating air oven. Reliable drying
VSDI. Vacuum drying oven with isolator. Safe drying
VSDIN. Vacuum drying oven with isolator and pressure nutsch
Low-pressure plasma systems
V6-G. Low-pressure plasma system. Efficient tabletop unit
V10-G. Low-pressure plasma system. Removal of photoresists
V15-G. Low-pressure plasma system. Volume 15 l | to 600 W
V55-G. Low-pressure plasma system. Volume 55 l | to 1,200 W
V80-G. Low-pressure plasma system. Volume 80 l | to 1,200 W
V80-G-Side. Low-pressure plasma system. Lateral feed-in
Inline plasma systems. Automated surface treatment
Special systems. Customized low-pressure plasma solutions
Reel-to-reel systems. Plasma surface treatment of flexible tapes
Surface treatment with low-pressure plasma
Activation with low-pressure plasma. Bonding improvement
Cleaning with low-pressure plasma. Ultrapure surfaces
Etching with low-pressure plasma. High-precision and flexible
Coating with low-pressure plasma. Functional polymerization
Low-pressure plasma. Examples of surface treatments
The efficient method for best results
Soldering technology
Drying technology
Plasma technology
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